LoanPrime has been created with you in mind. With your needs in mind. There can be situations, emergencies when funds are needed instantly. It could be any time of the day. Or night. We have geared ourselves up to serve you according to your needs.
Annual percentage rate (APR) is determined based on your credit score, the amount you wish to borrow and your steady income. Generally, a good CIBIL score calls for a low APR while a poor CIBIL score means high APR. But we have a fixed APR which is the same for all.
APR reflects the true cost of borrowing money. It includes the annual interest rate, a nominal processing fee and other miscellaneous expenses. APR is usually lower than your credit card interest rate. APR is the actual annual cost of your loan that helps you compare various loan offers from different lenders. We have a fixed APR @ 33.6% per annum.